What can I do with sd-webui?

  • The web UI allows you to import your custom models to run inference

  • Run batch-inference jobs with your models

  • Run txt2img and img2img models using the UI

  • Use your ControlNet models on the UI

  • View all your outputs and change inference parameters accordingly.

These are just a few of the most interesting features of sd-webui. For a full list, check out this url: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui.

How does sd-webui work?

  • sd-webui requires a model for all of its features. We pre-populate a model for you.

  • Depending on the task at hand, the outputs of sd-webui are different. For instance, txt2img is selected below.

  • Txt2imge will require a text prompt and will use your model to generate an image.

  • img2img will take in a text prompt along with an image and generate a new image incorporating your text prompt.

  • There are various user-configured parameters on the UI that users can play and modify for improvements on outputs.

How to start the web UI

rubbrband web sd-webui

How to import custom models

To import a custom model that is stored at /path/to/mymodel.ckpt, copy the model into the container:

# If the model is a Stable Diffusion model
rubbrband copy-to sd-webui /path/to/mymodel.ckpt /home/engineering/stable-diffusion-webui/models/Stable-diffusion
# If the model is a ControlNet model
rubbrband copy-to sd-webui /path/to/mymodel.ckpt /home/engineering/stable-diffusion-webui/models/ControlNet

Remeber to click on the refresh button and select the copied model in the dropdown menu.