What is ControlNet?

ControlNet is a generative model with the ability to create images conditioned on more constraints than was possible before.

Previously, DreamBooth and Stable Diffusion models would be able to generate images given a text prompt. But what if you wanted a very specific image for a given prompt? For instance, for the prompt a lighthouse in the sea , you wanted to the lighthouse to be in the top right of the screen, with a certain height to it?

With previous image generation models, there was no way to control the outputs other than through the text prompt.

With ControlNet, you’ll be able to pass in a text prompt, and an image that you want the output to look like.

For instance, for the text prompt bird you’ll be able to pass in an outline of the bird you want, like this:

and you should get images like this as the output:

If you want to check out a cool usage of ControlNet: you can try it here: https://scribblediffusion.com

Training with a sample dataset

rubbrband launch control

# Download some sample data
wget https://huggingface.co/lllyasviel/ControlNet/resolve/main/training/fill50k.zip
unzip fill50k.zip

rubbrband train control --dataset-dir ./fill50k

Checkpoints are saved to ~/ControlNet/lightning_logs/version_0/checkpoints in the container.

To access it:

rubbrband enter control
cd ~/ControlNet/lightning_logs/version_0/checkpoints

Dataset Format

In order to train ControlNet, the dataset folder needs to be structured in a specific way.

The model creators have created a sample dataset called fill50k which is shown above. You can replicate that folder structure as shown here:

├── prompt.json             # a json file mapping source to target, with a prompt
├── source                  # Source files
│   ├── 0.png               # Source Image 0
│   ├── 1.png               # Source Image 1
│   └── ...                 # etc.
├── target                  # Target files
│   ├── 0.png               # Target Image 0
│   ├── 1.png               # Target Image 1
│   └── ...                 # etc.
└── ...

prompt.json is a json file that indicates to the model how source files should map to target files.

Important: This file should include each entry as a single line and it should not be properly formatted as a JSON . Here are the first three lines of the sample file:

{"source": "source/0.png", "target": "target/0.png", "prompt": "pale golden rod circle with old lace background"}
{"source": "source/1.png", "target": "target/1.png", "prompt": "light coral circle with white background"}
{"source": "source/2.png", "target": "target/2.png", "prompt": "aqua circle with light pink background"}